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[8 BEST] Booster hair growth tips (Natural home remedy)

Having healthy hair can have a tremendous positive impact on your persona and confidence. Maintaining the health of the hair is extremely important if you don’t want to lose it to various factors that are quite all over the place at present, be it the availability of quick-fix foods, excessive harmful chemical-laden products to pollution. If you are not tackling these factors to protect your hair, your hair growth may get hampered. You must imbibe certain activities in your daily life to promote hair growth.

Let us see some of the major causes that affect your hair growth and ways to fix it :-

1.  Excessive heat in any form is bad for your body. So, taking a hot water bath frequently, excessive use of a hairdryer and a straightening machine should be avoided. Use these at a moderate temperature and for a minimal amount of time. Avoid hot shower, instead, wash your hair with fresh water.

Do not shampoo your hair every day. What shampoo is supposed to do is get rid of the dirt and oil in your hair. So, in case you shampoo your hair every day, your hair will be devoid of the essential oil that it produces along with the dirt. But, make sure to shampoo your hair thrice a week to keep the scalp clean. The frequency may differ from person to person, but you will be able to make out yourself at what level your hair feels healthy. Take care of not using the shampoo which contains sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a popular component present in most of the shampoos but it can also cause hair loss. Always go for hair products that are free from sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, artificial fragrances, and synthetic colors. Do not forget to condition the hair. Conditioners are used to seal the moisture of the hair, missing this could be the reason why your hair is dry and frizzy. Also, comb your hair as it improves the blood circulation of the scalp. Do not touch your hair too often. This can transfer the germs from your fingertips onto the scalp.

Poor blood circulation also inhibits hair growth and promotes hair loss, as you may know, the nutrients in our body flow through our blood. If the blood circulation in your scalp area is low, no matter how much nutritional food you are consuming, the probability of it reaching the scalp will be very low. Additionally, as most of us spend our day either sitting or standing. The flow of blood due to gravity is always against the scalp, so this makes the situation even worse. As a result, your hair growth will decrease.

So how do we improve blood circulation? One way is to massage your scalp with natural oils for three to four times a week. Now, what oil you use for massage should be taken care of. You should not use oils with artificial fragrances as it indicates the presence of alcohol in it. And alcohol is not good for your hair, so it is better to use pure coconut oil or almond oil or even mustard oil which suits you the best. Massage has to be done gently, if it is vigorously done, it can lead to breakage. You can massage your hair before going to sleep, and you can then wash it the following morning. If you have oily scalp massaging one to two times a week is good enough. And if you have dry hair, consider oiling three times a week preferably at night and let it stay overnight, whereas if you have an oily scalp, oiling one hour before the wash will be fine. Using warm oil and gently massaging the scalp in a circular motion instantly improves the blood circulation.

Another way of improving blood circulation is to exercise, any exercise done for 15 to 20 minutes can improve blood circulation drastically, especially women who are also suffering from thyroid, or other kinds of hormonal imbalances exercise is highly recommended.

Body massage is also essential for the overall health of the hair as it also results in proper circulation of blood and thereby promoting hair growth. If you are regularly facing digestive issues like bloating or gas, you are bound to lose hair, and one of the most effective ways to release the excess gas from the body is massage. However, most people massage, their bodies in a wrong way, while massaging the hand movement should be in the direction of the heart. For example, if you are massaging the neck, it should be downwards. And if you are massaging arms or legs, it should be upwards. Massage your body, two to three times a week and you will be amazed to see the results on your head.

2. Try not to use too many hair products. As they don’t allow your hair to breathe. If you do use them, keep it for the minimum amount of time and also make sure to wash it off before going to sleep at night.

3. Another important factor that diminishes your hair growth is treating your hair roughly. Especially, when the hair is wet, hair is most vulnerable when they are wet. Always gently dab to dry them out. Some people go to sleep at night with wet hair, this should be avoided. Rubbing wet hair vigorously leads to hair breakage. So avoid brushing wet hair.

4. We know that Vitamin D promotes hair growth but excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun sucks the much-needed moisture which makes the hair dry and frizzy.

5.. Do not tie your hair tightly, all the time, as it puts a lot of pressure on the roots and causes the hair to gradually become weak and fall off.

6. Too much emotional stress can also lead to hair loss. High-stress levels are very closely associated with hair loss, stress increases the hormone called cortisol which feeds on protein, this protein in the body is lost in the form of hair. Excessive workload, the pressure to excel in exams, emotional turmoil, are some of the common reasons for increased stress levels, give yourself a break once in a while!

7. other major cause of a loss is due to the rise in the levels of di-hydro testosterone, almost 90% of the hair loss in men is due to the hormone called dihydrotestosterone, which is commonly known as the DHT. Dihydrotestosterone is essentially formed from testosterone through a biochemical reaction which causes the shortening of the lifespan of follicles, it basically chokes the hair follicles. Some of the DHT blocking foods are Fenugreek seeds, Almonds, Banana, Tomato, Carrots, Mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, watermelon, walnuts, peanuts, spinach, mangoes, coriander, etc. So these are the food good for hair growth and strength.

8.Poor nutrition is the major reason as to why men and women start to thin out at a very early age if the body is devoid of nutrients for a very long time. One thing it can afford is to lose hair as the body thinks that it can survive without hair. So it stops giving hair any priority and takes care of the other vital organs, so in case of any hormonal imbalance, or lack of nutrients hair has to pay the price.

This needs to be fixed, every strand is made up of protein. So one should definitely have the daily dose of protein for proper hair growth. Some of the protein-rich food which is considered to be- food good for hair growth and strength are kidney beans, chickpeas, black lentils, chicken, fish, etc.
All of this food is rich in protein and therefore should be a part of your daily diet.

Another group of food good for hair growth and strength is the healthy fats which are also crucial for hair health. Foods like almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, flax seeds are all good sources of healthy fats. There are generally two types of vitamins - water-soluble and fat-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat-soluble. So, if you remove fat from your diet, your body will anyway get deficient of these vitamins, hence make sure healthy fats are a part of your diet. 

Next in the group of food good for hair growth and strength are the foods containing Iron and vitamin C which are very important to prevent hair loss. Iron and vitamin C go hand in hand, this is because vitamin C is very important to absorb iron in the body. If you take your iron, but you don't consume vitamin C, it will not be absorbed properly. All the green leafy vegetables like spinach cauliflower are great sources of iron and the best sources of vitamin C are orange, lemon capsicum, etc.

In addition, here is a hair care regimen for growth, which you can incorporate into your lifestyle for boosting the overall health of your hair :-

Okay, so try starting your day with chewing few fresh curry leaves. Curry leaves are a rich source of beta carotene, amino acids, and antioxidants, which strengthen the hair and is one of the most effective foods to stop hair fall and hair thinning. All you need to do is take three to five curry leaves, put it in your mouth and chew them till you've extracted all the juices out of them. This process will hardly take your five minutes and you will be amazed by its long term results. After you have curry leaves make sure you don't need anything for about 30 minutes. Let the correct names work within your system.

Now next small habit that you can include in your hair care regimen for growth is to supply copper into the body, which acts as a catalyst for releasing the iron extracted out of red blood cells helping in hair growth. Additionally, copper water keeps the digestive issues away, another major reason for hair loss problems as discussed already. But how do you supply copper into your body??
One extremely simple way of doing this is that you keep the water filled in a copper jug a night before preferably on a wooden surface and drink it the first thing in the morning and then grab those curry leaves. Today many people drink copper charged water for weight loss but not many know how beneficial it is to curb hair loss.

Yet another small habit that you can include in your hair care regimen for growth is using buttermilk which is an excellent cleanser. buttermilk makes the roots of your hair stronger by replenishing with protein and other essential nutrients. simply take some unsalted buttermilk and with your fingers gently rub it on your scalp. Make sure to massage it evenly into the roots of the hair. Leave for at least 20 minutes and wash it off with running cold water. It is advisable to use buttermilk once it turns very sour. 
Alright, so here is a bonus for making it to the end!

Home remedy: –

Take one tablespoon of coconut oil, and one teaspoon of aloe vera gel, one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix it well until it becomes a uniform paste. Apply on your hair as a mask and let it nourish the roots of the hair for about 20 to 30 minutes, wash it off using a natural shampoo. Now you are loaded with knowledge about the causation of hair loss and ways to tackle it, so go ahead and make some positive changes in your life. 


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